Thursday, December 31, 2015

Giving presentation at TEDx Talks conference in Boulder 2015

Hikaru presenting at TEDx Talks conference in Boulder, Colorado 2015 

My presentation at TEDx Talks conference in Boulder, Colorado was titled, "Mastery through Leonardo da Vinci."

As I have mentioned in my talk, I have been following and researching about Leonardo da Vinci ever since I "met" him through the TV show back in 1972 when I was 10 years old.

I was able to paint my rendition of Leonardo da Vinci's "Ultima Cena / The Last Supper", which took me 2,000 hours. (Not a single penny was asked.) The main section took me 1,700 hours back in 1995-1996.I am happy and thankful that it is still on the classroom wall at the Waldorf high school I used to teach.

There are many things I have "realized" through the special experience of being able to share and communicate my ideas to the large group of kind audiences via TEDxBoulder 2015 conference.

First of all, as a performer, I "LOVE" being in front of a large group of people... larger the better!' It was an ecstatic, exhilarating experience facing 2,200 people!
...and at the same time I've realized that many of the Stand-Up comedians are doing this sort of thing weekly! ...without the script (nor the band members) and with a time limit! My admiration to those brave people!
Bravo to all the entertainers, teachers, leaders, and anyone appearing before a large group of the audience!
...but with the help of the kind, patient, understanding audiences... 

I also really appreciate the kind organizers and the crew members for their hard work prepping. We were in good hands.
(image credit: TED / TEDxBoulder)

Mastery through Leonardo da Vinci | Hikaru Miyakawa | TEDxBoulder

As another year draws to a close, I am reflecting on the exciting events which took place this year. There's one event that stands out above the rest. I was selected as one of the 12 presenters to give a presentation at TEDxBoulder 2015 conference back in September. It was a spectacular event, and I am very happy for the co presenters s well.

I'm really honored and happy to know that my presentation at TEDxBoulder 2015 was approved by official TEDx / TED organization, and it is available to be viewed via the youtube channel. 

It is titled, "Master through Leonardo da Vinci."
Please enjoy! Thank you! 

(more to follow)

Thank you TEDxBoulder and its wonderful community!

Hikaru Miyakawa

Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 Day Art Challenge on Facebook (Day 1)

Day 1 of 5 Day, 3 art per day Challenge

I have been nominated by my friend, Pascal Lecocq, the artist of Blue, to participate in the 5 Day Art Challenge on Facebook, where the nominated artists are invited to share 3 pictures of their work per day for five days. It is always wonderful to be respected by the peers.
After researching, I've found that there are several ways to go about this. For me, I will show my artworks from the past which I have not yet widely shown in the cyber world and nominate at least one artist at the end of the 5 day challenge.
On this initial day, I have upload 3 works from around 1988 - 1990. These are more or less, Visionary-Fantastic works inspired by Viennese Fantastic Realism Movement.

Please enjoy!

Selection 1:
"Triumph of Hercules"
Acrylic on canvas glued to a board
©1988 Hikaru Hirata-Miyakawa (Artiste Hikaru)
private collection

"Triumph of Hercules"©1988 Hikaru Hirata-Miyakawa   
Selection 2:
"Griffin turning"
Acrylic and Alkyd on masonite
© 1989 Hikaru Hirata-Miyakawa (Artiste Hikaru)
private collection

"Griffin turning"© 1989 Hikaru Hirata-Miyakawa

Selection 3:
 "Riddle of Cerberus"
Acrylic on canvas
©1990 Hikaru Hirata-Miyakawa (Artiste Hikaru)
lost (damaged beyond repair)

"Riddle of Cerberus"©1990 Hikaru Hirata-Miyakawa