Showing posts with label Hikaru and the Scriptures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hikaru and the Scriptures. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother Earth and our mission

I feel compelled to share a few observation I have made in regards to the element Earth. As we know, the humans have tried to understand and harness the forces of Earth and her cohabitants. What has been happening is that some humans have tried to rule the earth by force and tried to not only subjugate her but to even violate her (to the point of reaching very close to the point of no return...meaning that it is taking the toll on the ability of our Mother Earth to purify/regenerate herself 'in time'...)

This tendency to treat the Earth without high respect may have come from the misunderstanding of the first two chapters of Genesis. In Chapter 1:28, humans (plural -meaning both male and female) were told to 'subdue' Earth. The word for 'to subdue' in original Hebrew is 'Kabash/כבש', and it does have the meanings: to force, to subdue, to keep under, violate, dominate...etc. ...while the word used for the Earth is ('Ha)Erets/ ארץ'.

The many have used this verse as the backup to try to control the nature and the ecosystem and violated the Mother Earth for countless decades.

Yet, no one seem to realize that this commandment was given to "divine/un-fallen" Adam (humans) before the "FALL!" 

After the fall of humans, they/we have lost the divine connection to the divine Mother Earth. We also have lost the way to rule her properly and divinely. She has become an object of human greed, and the humans are no longer able to perceive her as divine gift from above - Elohim. Consequently, we no longer posses the right nor authority to rule the Mother Earth.

Now, when we read the Chapter 2:5, it is different. This section is usually translated as that "there is not a human to 'till' the 'ground'." When we research the word used as 'to till', it is 'abad / עבד' in Hebrew, and it has various meanings other than 'to till'. It means: to work, to till, to cultivate....and TO SERVE! [...and the word used for the ground is not 'Erets' but '(Ha)Adamah / אדמה'.]
On top of that, the word 'kabash' is not a popular word. It only appears once in the entire Torah section (the First 5 Books of Moses) of Tanakh (Old Testament)...and that one time appearance is in Gen. 1:28. Even to include all the different meanings in that word, this word appears only about 15 times in the entire OT.
On the other hand, the word, 'abad, is popular enough that it appears more than 300 times in the entire OT. ...of which only about 10 times is this word used as 'to till'. Amazingly, as the meaning 'to serve', this word appears over 160 times, and if I were to include the past tense of 'served' and the meaning, 'service' etc., it appears more than 230 times!

When I consider the above fact, I tend to want to understand the 'assignment' given to the humans in regards to the Earth is TO SERVE the Mother Earth and not to violate her. ... and we humans must shift our consciousness from this subconscious level (of wanting to subdue earth) and understand the true meaning of the commandment.

I was once told by an eminent Vedic Astrologer Guru of Gurus that one of my missions during this life is TO SERVE the "old" mothers of the world. I understood to include the legendary/mythical mothers...and of course, the ancient Mother Earth herself. This is my first attempt to 'clear her name', and 'to give her back as much glory as possible'...

Blessings to all of you.
(LOHAS is possible!)

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Fruits of Labor- The story of Adam and Eve

I hope you are enjoying this Labor Day.

I have been writing a book (in conjunction to my research on Leonardo da Vinci / the Holy Grail, etc) which requires me to research the Holy Scriptures (of Judeo-Christian Bible) in Hebrew, Aramaic, ancient Greek, Latin, etc. I am doing this as an artist-creator rather than a academic scholar, linguist (textual critic), sociologist... etc. I hope to complete this soon. Today, I would like to share with you my reflection of creation-labor via the story in Genesis.

First, I would like to ask you a question. What would you do and/or feel had one of your master pieces... be it a book, a painting, a CD (of your musical activity), a movie...etc took on the human personality and decided to "Hide" from you and from the entire universe because it is ashamed of its presence and ashamed of been seen and acknowledged by the universe? What if it feels that you've done a horrible job!?

Wouldn't you be sad or even be angry about such action/reaction on the part of your creation?

You see, to me, the theme of "Fall of Adam/Eve" is not about the "Original Sin" per se, but it has everything to do with the creation....ART!
Also, this theme of creation and the origin and the Originator of the Creation is the most important message in the Tanakh (Old Testament).

The beauty of the creation was "seen ( וירא )" and was acknowledged by its Creator as "Good ( טוב )."

Eve(Chavah-חוה)also "saw( ותרא )" the beauty in everything ...even in the fruits which may teach her what is unpleasant/not good. It is not the fair thing to accuse Eve of corrupting the universe, for she saw the goodness, pleasantness, and the beauty in Creation which was reflected by its Creator as Good...(...and NOT partially good nor consisting some good and some evil).
Besides, awakening to the awareness of: not good/ evil/ unpleasant feeling/ DEATH ...was only occurred after her eyes were opened due to eating/tasting of the fruit. She may have been innocent but not evil.
Also, Eve gave the fruit to Adam out of her love and kindness...and before her eyes were opened! She simply wanted to share the fruit with its beautiful appearance. That's all!
The Creation was good and the created saw it and "trusted" the goodness of his/her own within. Such "Visual" appreciation of creation sadly over-ruled/over-ridden the "Audio/auditory" command of the Creator.

Have you ever wondered: "Well, where were the angels and the beings that later interceded on behalf of humans back then? Why didn't they protect Adam and Eve... or warn specifically about the "cunning" aspect of the serpent before hand? Why didn't they ward off the serpent? 
Adam and Eve weren't sophisticated enough at this point. They may not have had the awareness of associating the idea of "not obeying the commandment" with the 'sin'.

My friends, it may have been due to the Great Plan of Creator. Adam and Eve had to go through the experience no other divine beings could imagine nor withstand at the time...namely, to experience the "separation" from its Creator, to have the individuality-Ego and to risk the direct connection, and to experience "death".

What were some of their assignments (other than the experience mentioned above)? ... To learn to create. To "taste" the hardship and joy of Labor. Adam, it was the outer Labor and to Eve, it was the inner Labor.
In other words, Adam had to learn how to create via "touching" the objects (i.e., soil/water/tools)with his hands just as Elohim the Creator did when Adam was created.
Eve, on the other hand, had to learn how to create via "not touching with her hand", through pregnancy. Why inner creation from Eve? One of the reasons could be that she was not created out of the combination of dust/soil and the moisture as Adam was but born out of Adam. In other words, Eve was born from within. Perhaps it was also due to her superb ability to "feel" the words of Creator and answered the serpent that Creator warned them not only not to eat the fruits from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but not even to "touch ( תגעו )" When Elohim commanded about the fruits and the trees, Eve was within Adam. She was not created yet per se.

This was one of the reasons why Yeshwa (Jesus) later tells Mary Magdalene not to "touch(approach)- ܬܬܩܪܒܝܢ " him. It had nothing to do with Mary being less than Jesus but to remind her of the "Original" event where Eve had to go through... to remind Mary of the words of Eve!

(I am not trying to be sexist here. The lessons of inner and outer creation could have been reversed/exchanged between Eve and Adam.)

At any rate, most of the creation/creative activities fall into the two I have mentioned above: inner and outer

Their(our)lessons were (are) to understand and to experience what it means to create... to complete, manifest, and to see the fruits of labor... and to appreciate the beauty of creation as the creators!