Friday, December 23, 2011

Emperor Akihito's 78th birthday on December 23rd, 2011

I have been absent for awhile from blogging, but I am compelled to write this one.
Thank you very much for your patience.

After recovering from mycoplasma infection and returning from the hospitalization, Emperor Akihito gave an inspiring and caring speech on his birthday.  As you can see on the news below, he is keeping the busy schedule.

Both the Emperor and the Empress had visited the earthquake / tsunami affected areas and showed the heartful support to the victims and the survivors of the disaster.

Although the Emperor do not have the active political power, the people of Japan still look up to him as the  highest symbol of Japan. To receive words/blessing from the Emperor is considered as a honorable gift , and even only to see him in public a few times a year can be comforting to the people.

I feel blessed to have the family (on my maternal side) directly and indirectly associated with the Imperial family.

Long live Emperor Akihito!!!

Here is the video clip of the news reporting the Emperor's birthday speech (abridged) followed by the very rough translation of mine in English.

(If you can read Japanese, please visit the following link to read the entire speech: )

The rough translation of Emperor Akihito's birthday speech in English.

"On this day of my birthday, I deeply appeciate your congratulatory wishes.

During this year, many lives were lost due to the massive Northeastern earthquake in Spring and the Typhoon related heavy rain in Autunm.
Whenever I think of the survivors and the disaster victims it hurts my heart.
I am sure that you all may have spent some heavy hearted days.
In the midst of it I was informed of the fact that the many people are putting their utmost effort for (helping) the disaster victims, and I felt extremely encouraged.
There are only few remaining days left for this tough (distressing) year.
We would like to continue to live while not forgetting about the disaster victims and wish for the happiness of all the citizens.
I pray that the coming year would be a good year for each and everyone of you."