{Aoki Gallery hosts "Oblique"Exhibition by IFAA}
I am very excited to announce that I am involved in the exhibition organized by IFAA (International Fantastic Art Association)!
IFAA, an art association predominantly consisting of Japanese artists, is committed to explore the fantastic and the imaginative. These are very dedicated, talented artists offering their exquisite creations.
Aoki Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo, has been hosting and supporting the artists with the fantastic, the surreal, and the imaginative expression for quite some time. The Gallery has hosted the Solo exhibition of Dr. Ernst Fuchs, a proponent of Viennese Fantastic Realism, back in 1965.
(Since there are a lot of members in IFAA with the limited space at the gallery, the exhibition is divided in half. The first period is from Jan. 17th through the 22nd, and the second period is from the 24th through the 30th.)
Here are the information:
The New Year Exhibition IFAA "OBLIQUE"
@ Aoki Gallery - Luft ( http://www.aokigallery.jp/)
Shima Building 3rd Floor
3-5-16 Ginza,
Chuuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
TEL. 03-3535-6858
from: Jan. 17th to Jan. 30th, 2011
Closed: Jan. 23rd
展覧会にみなさんと御一緒出来て光栄です! 素晴らしい展覧会になることをここボールダーから祈らせていただきます。
Open:11:00~19:00 ※1月23日定休日
〒104-0061 東京都 中央区 銀座3-5-16島田ビル3階
TEL. 03-3535-6858. FAX, 03-3567-3944
Exhibitors (出品者)
The First Period 【前期】
稲垣恭子/Kyoko Inagaki
井関 周/Shu Iseki
大竹茂夫/Shigeo Otake
大手京子/Kyoko Ote
加藤大介/Daisuke Kato
木村紗由香/Sayuka Kimura
桑原聖美/Satomi Kuwahara
近藤宗臣/Sawsin Kondo
坂上アキ子/Akiko Sakagami
佐々木六介/Roku Sasaki
セガワ智コ/Tomoko Segawa
たつき川樹/Itsuki Tatsukikawa
高松ヨク/Yoku Takamatsu
田中照三/Teruzo Tanaka
中川知洋/Tomohiro Nakagawa
萩原ヤスオ/Yasuo Hagiwara
馬場京子/Kyoko Baba
前澤ヨシコ/Yoshiko Maezawa
三柳智子/Tomoko Miyanagi
渕岡康子/Yasuko Fuchioka
レオ澤鬼/Leo Sawaki
森 妙子/Taeko Mori
桃田有加里/Yukari Momota
安本亜佐美/Asami Yasumoto
山地博子/Hiroko Yamaji
若林さやか/Sayaka Wakabayashi
The Second Period 【後期】
相原みゆき/Miyuki Aihara
浅野勝美/Katsumi Asano
浅野信二/Shinji Asano
伊豫田晃一/Koichi Iyoda
江崎五恵/Itsue Ezaki
及川晶子/Akiko Oikawa
大森伸樹/Nobuki Omori
北 和晃/Kazuaki Kita
木村友美/Tomomi Kimura
呉宜純/Izu Cre
古賀 郁/Kaoru Koga
佐藤恭子/Kyoko Sato
アンドリュー・ジョーンズ/Andrew Jones
平 千賀子/Chikako Taira
高田美苗/Minae Takada
田中章滋/Shoji Tanaka
中嶋清八/Seihachi Nakashima
長島 充/Mitsuru Nagashima
Toru Nogawa
白翠皇夜/Kouya Hakusui
林 千絵/Chie Hayashi
宮川 光/Hikaru Miyakawa
百瀬靖子/Yasuko Momose
山村まゆ子/Mayuko Yamamura
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