Friday, March 12, 2010

Leonardo da Vinci and his mirror writing 1

the left - handed writing

It may have been Leonardo's revolt against the learned, academic, high society of his time by not only using his left hand to write and paint, but to write backwards ( "in the manner of Jewish people" )in the mirrored manner.

The word "sinister" is derived from the Lain word, "sinestra", and it means "left."  We can surmise from the connection between "sinister" and "sinistra," that the left handed people were not treated as normal.

It went against the entire 'right handed' tradition to write in the mirrored manner, for the writing was invented and developed by the right handed people for the right handed people! I have taught calligraphy to my high school students. It was painful to watch how the left handed students contorted his/her left hand/wrist to be able to slant the pen in the right angle to match the angle easily created by the right handed students. It appeared very 'un-natural'!
For the left handed ones to write from the left to right, which is the system suited for the right handed majority, is equal to confirming to the society's norm.... confirming to the majority. (... and to the learned ones who 'rules' the people )

Leonardo was possibly ambidextrous, so he could have adopted the "normal" right handed writing skill, but he did not. Whether it was because of his dyslexia or not (curse or blessing as the special skill), he did pursue his left handed life, and he did not "fix" himself to confirm to the society.

Or was he practicing his 'Arabic / Semitic (?)' heritage of writing right to left? (...some claim that Leonardo's mother was an Arabic house slave....)


At any rate, I wonder what he was thinking and feeling when he was painting Judas in the Last Supper as a left handed man.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Naure of Light

Light is an interesting phenomena, entity, existence... whatever you might call it.
As an artist, it is almost inevitable that one encounters the mystery of light.  The nature of light has been discussed and debated throughout the human history: through Empedocles, Euclid, Lucretius, Ptolemy, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Goethe, Farady, Einstein.... etc.

Without going into the deep metaphysical and / or scientific discussion, I can say that the artists tend to encounter and deal with the two forms of light: the natural light and the man made light.
The most powerful natural light is the sunlight. Although there is light by the moon, but it is the reflected light of the sun and not of its own. Light from the stars are too dim to be useful unless, for instance, you are painting or photographing them.
Within the realm of the man made lights, we most often use the tungsten family and the fluorescent family.... of course, there are others (i.e., the candle light). The tungsten lights tend to emit the warm yellow/orange light. The fluorescent lights tend to emit the bluish light.
The nice thing about these man made lights are that they can emit the light constantly and consistently as long as we allow it to happen (i.e.,  not turning off the light)
The sunlight, on the other hand, keeps 'moving.'  I have had an interesting experience (and the realization )during my youth while I was trying to draw a rose under the sunlight. I remember having the difficult time trying to finish it. As I drew, the sun kept moving, and I've had to keep changing the 'shape' of the shadow, etc.
We do observe the nature and its beauty, but it was an eye opening experience for me to know that the natural light do keep changing.  I could understand why the Impressionists had painted the way they did.

I use the natural light to take the portfolio pictures of my paintings. The sunlight between 11AM to1PM are the best light to take the picture, for light tend to be most white. Before 11AM, it is rather bluish, and after 1 PM, it can become rather orange like. Also, it is better to avoid shooting under the direct sunlight. I usually choose the cloudy day, so the light is diffused and saturated well.

I often think about the light at the gallery. Many galleries are using the tungsten based lights, so the entire image becomes warm.  If you are used to painting under the fluorescent light, you can tell the differences right away.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The true meaning of the word, "amateur"

I have been doing art and music, etc., for over 44 years since I was 4 years old.
My creative life began with the strict guidance of my first teacher, my multi-skilled mother.
And yet, my  so called, "training," was rather serious one from the day one... creating like a soldier, doing the drill, the high discipline, the punishment and the rewards ... quite an ordeal.
I also have identified myself with the art-in-itself to the point of suffocating myself with the notion of the perfect art form and the expression... and to fully master the mediums.
as a matter of fact, I have, from time to time, hit the "bottom," although I have kept up with the discipline to produce things. ...trying to keep the professionalism, sort of.

In January of the year 2000,  it finally took the toll, and I was permeated with the feeling of dryness and the numbness as if the creative juice within my was suck dried and had withered!
One of my good friends gave me the "Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron, the writer of the original TV series, the "Miami Vice." ( I have also done the various exercises given by her in the subsequent publications of hers.)

...but as I was regaining the creative fountain within, I came across in her book, "Walk in This World," an important message of being a creative person.
It had to do with the word, "amateur." Julia says on page 85: "We cannot 'improve' ourselves into great artists by doing creative sit-ups. Great artists are actually the great amateurs - from the Latin verb, amare, 'to love.'" (It is also based on the Latin word, "amator.")
That was enlightening, for 1) I love the etymological studies of the words, and 2) I have struggled so hard to separate myself from the people whom I have considered the "amateurs," forgetting the true message underneath the word.
As professionals, we often need to finish many projects, many times in our lives. ...following through is important.
Yet, if it lacks the playful, child-like creativity of what Picasso had reminded us by saying, "We are all born children. The trick is how to remain one" ..., then we may lose the LOVE of creating. It becomes the chore.

It is wonderful when we create because we love to create...and that may be the message of the Divine Creation.  No wonder we are reminded by Yeshwa/Jesus to be like the children n order to enter the kingdom of Heaven - filled with LOVE an Creativity. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Self portrait of Leonardo da Vinci?

The Turin portrait drawing is generally accepted as the self portrait of Leonardo, but I must agree with the author, Robert Payne ("Leonardo," © 1978 Doubleday & Co. Inc. garden city, NY) that it may be of Leonardo's father's portrait. Leonardo's father had lived to be 80 years old and died on July 9th, 1504. The drawing is thought to be made about 1512. I feel that this was made between 1511 and March of 1513. There is a possibility of Leonardo reminiscing about his deceased father while Leonardo was in Firenze, pursuing the lawsuits against his brothers about the inheritance.  There are some odd elements in his portrait (if this was the self portrait). I know that he was known to appear older than his actual age, but around 1511-1512, Leonardo was about 60 years old, so even after considering the above fact, the man in this drawing appears to be at least 15 to 20 years older than Leonardo. Although it is a quasi-myth/legend, we know that the face of Plato in the "School of Athens" painted by Raphael was based on the portrait of Leonardo. It does somewhat resemble the portrait sketch by Leonardo, but one thing is quit different, and that is the shape of the nose and the nostril.
All the other artworks, whether it is the young figure in the "Adoration" of Leonardo or Verrocchio's "David," the shape of the nose is similar to the one painted by Raphael as Plato. This is also pointed out by Payne as 'curving nose' of he portrait and the straight one in the other drawing(s).

Thursday, March 4, 2010


"Come il pittore non è laudable se quello non è universale." - Leonardo da Vinci

The quote above is translated in English as "that a painter is not admirable unless he is universal," ("画家は万能でなければ賞賛に値しない" - Japanese) and appears in Leonardo's so called, "notebook" volume one (compiled by Jean Paul Richter). The notebooks are available in many forms including the 2 volume set by Dover Publications.

After the initial encounter of Leonardo's life on TV in 1972, before you know it, I was at the school library reading the biography of this great master. It was very thick book, but I was devouring the content. Then, I was buying up the books on Leonardo and other artists of the Italian Renaissance. I was still 10 - 11 years old, so I could not read some of the kanji characters, but I cherished them nevertheless. I still own all of the art/ art history books I have bought (or given as the gift after begging...) I still use them as the references. 
Then, soon after, I came across with the above quote. I felt as though I was struck by a lightening! Even for the mind of a 5th grader, the words invoked the sense of wonder and the responsibility. "What does he mean by " being universal?"
I immediately sensed that in order to paint something, one needs to know, not only that something in question, but all the possible relationship that something has in the world / universe. (By the age of 17, I have added another dimension to the understanding of this word, universal.  I have equated the Delphic saying, " γνῶθι σεαυτόν (Know Thyself!)" to the meaning of being universal: To know myself (microcosmos) fully is to know the universe (macrocosmos.)

Why bother with accepting art commissions?

I have to admit that I must have inherited some of the attitude of the Renaissance artists.  I not only love to take painting / mural commissions but happy with changing my style to suit clients' needs. I remember from my art history teaching days that nothing was too small to accept as the commission / project for the artists of Renaissance. They also did something other than art (i.e. growing the olive trees) to earn the living when there were not enough commissions. 
To me, having the skill means that such person has the responsibility. It is the responsibility of the one who attained the skill to not only master it but to use it to help others in need. 
Of course, the personal expression through your style and ideas are very important, but to me, accepting each commission with gratitude is also important even if and when you have to change your style. You are helping others by manifesting their inner visions onto the tangible form. I have seen the smile and the eyes filled with joy of so many clients,  and I have to say that it is worth it! After all, it is the team work and the joint effort between the client and the artist that enable them to create something unique and meaningful.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why blogging when I already have the website of my own?

First of all, thanks for finding me, and I hope your visit will be worthwhile. 
One thing that I wanted to prevent was to make this blog the "alternative" website of mine. If you are dying to view my art images, please visit:

In this blog, I would love to introduce my literally projects and the researches that I am currently conducting that would eventually become the polished book.
Although I may not be able to introduce some of the elements (...please buy my book! :)  ) The theme may include: Leonardo da Vinci, the Holy Grail, the Holy Scriptures studied from  both Hebrew and Aramaic, Mary Magdalene... etc.

Many of my artworks are done with the idea of supplementing the research article; therefore, it will be published in the book in the future.

I may also speak about my thoughts and my feeling during the conception and the creation stages of the certain artworks of mine. In other words, I would love to share my art processes.