Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Was I living in Renaissance Italy in my past life?

It maybe odd to think about my fascination with Leonardo and the Italian Renaissance since my youth, but I wouldn't be surprised if I were to find out that I was living in Italy during the 15th /16th century.  It is also interesting to know that around the same time of my encounter with Leonardo da Vinci, I began to have the interest in exploring the world of the Greek Mythology. Along the line, I have become fascinated with the images depicting the life of Christ. I remember, during the 6th grade year, I often drew the crucifix (not just a cross but Christ on the cross) as if I was possessed by some invisible power, so to speak. Why is it interesting? It is because the Renaissance artists were commissioned to create the scenes from the Bible or the Greco-Roman Mythology most of the time (if not the portraits/statues of the patrons and/or  some sort of the historical depiction...the battle scenes, for example...) Also, the word, Humanism, of Renaissance had everything to do with the honoring of the classics, for it had the close relation to the word, humanités. So, in a way, my awakening to the Italian Renaissance , at the same time, had led me to the birthing of the Renaissance era of my life as well.

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